Jim and Kim Arlington

About Jim Arlington

I am a 40-year resident of Eagle River. My wife, Kim and I raised a family here, and my daughter and grandchildren still live in Eagle River. I love my community, and I am dedicated to making it a better place to live and work.

I believe that public service and involvement are important callings.  Over the years I have been involved in many professional and community service endeavors, including:

• Member of the Anchorage School Board, where I became very well acquainted with the ASD budget. In my capacity as School Board Member, I had the privilege of visiting every school in Eagle River to learn of their specific issues.
• Chair of the Zoning Board of Examiners & Appeals for nine years as the 
• President of the Eaglewood Homeowners Association for four years, the largest homeowner’s association in Anchorage at that time.
• Assistant City Manager for several cities in Colorado.
• Founding member of Eagle River Presbyterian Church and served as a Ruling Elder for over ten years.
•Coaching many youth sports teams including soccer, Little League Baseball, and basketball as well as volunteered as an ASHA diving judge for over ten years.
• Assistant Scout Master for a local Boy Scout Troop.

My community ties run deep across a broad spectrum of interests and activities.
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